Difference between Enum and Sealed Classes in Kotlin

Jesse Okoro
2 min readDec 13, 2020


Let’s look at the difference between them using one simple example. The class Rainbow , which contains different set of colors. It will be represented both in Enum and Sealed class.

enum class Rainbow (val color: String) {
RED (“Red”),
GREEN (“Green”),
BLUE (“Blue”),
ORANGE (“Orange”),
YELLOW (“Yellow”);

Each of the items in the Enum above is a separate instance of the Enum. You can use the values anywhere by passing by passing them to variables.

var color = Rainbow.RED.color

Methods can also be added Enum classes. When that happens, every instance of the class is associated with every method in the Enum. Enum also provides some in-built properties and methods in Kotlin like name is a property that allows you to get the name of the Enum's instance ordinal contains the position of an Enum instance

val color: Rainbow = Rainbow.GREEN



valueOf(), returns an instance of Enum by its name with String type. It is case sensitive:




values() returns an array of all instances of Enum. It might be helpful if you want to iterate through Enum instances.

fun isRainbow(color: String) : Boolean {
for (enum in Rainbow.values()) {
if (color.toUpperCase() == enum.name) return true
return false

let’s try it out:


this will return


Let’s look at the same example as a Sealed Class Let’s look at the same example as a Sealed Class

sealed class Rainbow(){
class Red(val color: String): Rainbow()
class Green(val color: String): Rainbow()
class Blue(val color: String): Rainbow()
class Orange(val color: String): Rainbow()
class Yellow(val color: String): Rainbow()

We create a sealed class called Rainbow, which contains five different colors: Red, Green, Blue, Orange and Yellow. The good thing about this is that now when expressions will require us to provide branches for all possible types:

fun execute(col: Rainbow) = when (color) {
is "Red" -> "Red"
is "Green" -> "Green"
is "Blue" -> "Blue"
is "Orange" -> "Orange"
is "Yellow" -> "Yellow"

when will complain if you leave any of the subclasses out. It won't comply.


While Enum represents a logical sets of constants and allows you create your own enumeration just from a usual class, a Sealed class allows you to represent constrained hierarchies in which an object can only be of one of the given types. A sealed class is more or less a sealed class with super powers. They are similar in nature; The difference between them is that in the enum we only have one object per type, while in the sealed classes we can have several objects of the same class.



Jesse Okoro

Software Engineering intern at Decagon Institute